Saturday, August 21, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

I've been contemplating it for weeks now. The little "tip-of-a-pencil" pigment spot on my forearm is now the size of a small mole. How's that for rapid? Not to mention the two little creepers that have appeared un-announced above and below my right eyebrow.

I contacted my dermatologist to discuss my options. Well, the truth is I only really have two options: live with it and see what happens, or de-pigmentation. So I'm making an appointment to discuss de-pigmentation really. No decisions on going through with it after discussion yet.

Scared? Me? To death. It's more the psychological decision that is bothering me - I used to cringe at the thought of someone choosing to bleach their skin, simply because when the option was offered to me at the age of 12, it felt like a rejection of my true identity. I know it's "what's inside that counts", but let's get real, the colour of your skin is a part of your identity as well. I mean, look at what the public did to MJ when I was going through my transformation, how could a decision like that not bother me?

So... I hope I have your support. And I hope nobody else judges me for this decision (especially those who have so ignorantly commented that I am 'rejected by the black community and will never be accepted by the white community'). I'll let you know how the appointment goes... Oh, and I would still want to keep that cute little constellation of three spots forming a triangle on my left cheek. I don't know why, but I like them!


  1. What ever you decide Darcy, it would never change the way I feel towards you or think of you, black or white. To me you will always be my sister and to me that's the most important thing.
    I have always supported the decisions you have made because they have always been well researched so this time I think it will be no different in what you decide. As for support you will forever have that as long as their is breath in my lungs..


  2. Some how I don't think you're the kind of person who makes decisions dependent on what others think, so I say good for you. Go for it, if it's what you want. Sometimes we have to do things for ourselves that others can't always understand, and as long as it's best for us then why not!? :) Can't wait to hear what you decide. Good luck.

  3. Just do what you need to do. It's your life. God bless.

  4. I'l support you what ever decision you make,i've been fallowing you since ive red your story.We have the same condition.....
